It has been a fairly varied few weeks - which has been quite nice! My last week in the Royal Marsden mainly involved being a bit bored and waiting for my neutrophil counts to go from zero to hero. Katie and I put bets on whose counts would be up quickest - result = I owe Katie a Nandos! :) Had a lot of visitors, which was lovely, and a very brief spanish lesson with Elsa! Trying to get back into learning the language, but only really able to concentrate after chemo brain has passed... The family also got to make the most of the parent pamper evening that Clic Sargent kindly put on once a month.
Lottie enjoying a glass of wine and foot spa! |
The best bit over the last few weeks though was getting to go home when my neutrophil count finally went above 0.5. So have managed to catch up with a lot of lovely people - the old school lot (Ellie, Alice and Lucy) for an awesome curry, the old kennel lot (Hannah, Kate and Lauren) for an equally awesome chinese takeaway, and Steph & Kathy very kindly gave up some of their valuable revision time to catch up at uni quickly today! It's also been lovely to spend some time with Phil, and actually get out to do things and eat out as my counts have been better since being at home this time. Yay! :D
This week I had my bone marrow biopsy on Wednesday for the latest MRD test to see if the Flag-IDA had worked. I got the results back today and thankfully it was good news for a change! My MRD is negative this time around, meaning now I'm low risk at relapsing (see previous blog for more details), which also means I am a much better stem cell transplant candidate! So, now the plan is to have another cycle of Flag-IDA (so another month stint in the Royal Marsden), and then *fingers crossed* go for transplant! I'm not back in until Thursday (providing there's a bed for me), and then the process starts all over again!
Next update again soon I imagine, although how interesting it will be I'm not sure!
Much love to you all xxx